VOD Inspector

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Rex Status Will program be present in menu/browse?

Offers Status How can a given subscriber consume the asset?

Leap Feed Status leap Feed Status

ASP MPX Outlet Media Status Has media definition been copied to MPX outlet account?

ProgramMediaAssociation Status What are the associated Programs in Merlin?

EntityCollection Status What EntityCollection is attached to this OfferedItem?

ProgramVariants Status What ProgramVariant data applies to the Media?

EntityMessages Status What overrides are present in Merlin?

TimeSlices What time markers are present in Merlin?

Availability Status In what regions is Media available?

Entitlement Status What entitlements are assigned to Media?

Offer Status How is the Media being sold?

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ContentManagementDataService Data Model

Loading object data from CMDS...

OfferedItem Status CMDS Data Model

RenditionGroup Status CMDS Data Model

Components Status Showing components NOT matched to scheduled elements

CMDS Availabilities Status CMDS Data Model: What propositions are linked to the OfferedItem?

CMDS Data Model Data model status at a glance

This is an attempt at highlighting which portions of the connected CMDS data model are in a good state. It is not comprehensive and will evolve over time as more good/bad data states are understood.
Produced by OmniGraffle 6.0.5 2022-04-07 17:55Z Canvas 1 Layer 1 RenditionGroup Of feredItem ComponentSet FileLink A vailability Scheduled Elements Component File FileCopy Rendition FileLink FileCopy File

GMRSS History Open Ingest: What is the update history of this item?